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Lone Walk
Sad Girl in the Window

Would you like to feel more in control of your life and your feelings?

You don't have to suffer anymore!  I can help.

Why Seek Help?


Whether you're feeling anxious, depressed, confused or you're having relationship difficulties at home or at work, I can help you.


Life is filled with ups and downs.  It's human to struggle.  In a culture where independence and self-sufficiency are highly valued, it can be difficult to admit that you need help and support, which can leave you feeling alone and confused.  You might even believe that asking for help is a sign of weakness.  It's actually the opposite.  Recognizing that you need support and help from others is a strength. Humans are naturally social beings.  We need other people to listen, understand and support us and, sometimes, to offer a different perspective. So, when you face difficulties that are affecting your life in negative ways and have been suffering through it for a while, it's probably time to seek help.  And, seeking help from a professional who is unbiased and non-judgmental can be the best help you can receive. 


How I Can Help


Studies show that the single most important factor in positive psychotherapy outcomes is a trusting relationship between the client and the therapist.  So, first and foremost, my goal is to create a safe and non-judgmental environment where clients feel comfortable addressing their concerns in an open and honest manner.  In addition, I treat the person, not a diagnosis.  I recognize that while there are common categories of issues and symptoms (like anxiety and depression), each person has a unique story, perspective and experience.  I tailor my work to each individual based on their needs.  Having said that, generally, my approach is to help my clients understand why they think, feel and behave the way they do and the impact those things have on different areas of their lives.  When people have a deeper understanding of themselves, they are empowered to make positive and healthy decisions in their daily lives. And, even after therapy ends, the newly learned insights and skills are carried into the future and benefit clients for the rest of their lives.



Call to Schedule a Consultation (424) 262-1450

© Copyright 2018 Janice Nishiyama, Psy.D.


Perhaps the butterfly is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness and still become something beautiful

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